God love is truly amazing! Even though we are so
rebellious of His ways and disrespectful of all His blessings, He remains
faithful and steady in His love towards us. In today’s passage, Matthew 5:31-32,
Jesus raises the issue of marriage, divorce and remarriage.

God has provided the social institution of marriage
as a tremendous blessing. It answers loneliness with a companion who is
different but the same, complementing in intimacy (and in many other ways),
together able to reproduce similar offspring, to love and be loved and together
image God (Genesis 1:27-28; 2:18-25).

But God, when we sin and mess up, doesn’t give up on
either His ideals or give up on us. He calls us to genuinely repent and turn
back to Him, then He forgives, restores and renews us by His Holy Spirit and
His Word. There is always a right way.

Marriage is voluntary and takes two. One person can
break a marriage, but frequently both have matters to repent of. A Christian
has Jesus as their Lord and Saviour who is number one, head over all. God hates
divorce, but He hates these things more – adultery (Matthew 5:32; 19:9), child
sexual and other abuse (Matthew 18:6), illegal activity (Romans 13:1-5) and
domestic violence

(1 Corinthians 7:15). A Christian in making up their
mind also values and weighs carefully genuine repentance, forgiveness, peace,
the law, good and sound advice and support in their big decision(s). Prayer and
the Spirit will ultimately lead in this massive personal decision (Galatians

Separation may allow reflection. Rational and fair
discussions between the married couple may be very helpful and important, when
this is possible and safe. This is a time to prayerfully reconsider your
marriage and whether it has irretrievably broken down or not (1 Corinthians
7:10-11).  Interference from another
potential partner at this stage is not appropriate and may be adulterous. In
Australia divorce cannot be applied for without a separation of one year – a
cooling off period and a statement that the marriage has irretrievably broken

The Certificate of Divorce ends a marriage, making
the person classified as unmarried and single again and free to remarry or
remain single (1 Corinthians 7:8-9). Both Moses and Jesus recognised multiple marriage sequences (See
Deuteronomy 24:1-4; John 4:16-18)

God welcomes all us sinners who seek him. He throws
no-one on the scrap heap and has no too hard basket. Now is the day of
salvation. Seek Him first in all things (Matthew 6:33).

Have a great week!

Pastor Graham